4 looks with moreorlessvintage

I had a nice surprise waiting for me on my front porch the other day. A package from more or less vintage with some goodies inside 😮 . Best timing ever because I had a very mentally draining day at work. I lit up like a Christmas tree, tore the package into shreds, and had an aaaaahhhhhhh moment. Inside I was gifted 4 pieces of clothing: a blazer, a midi skirt, a white blouse, and a slip dress.

If you do not know more less vintage is an online clothing store out of Georgia. They have the cutest vintage clothing from various decades. Sadly, due to COVID-19 they had to shut down temporarily. I can not wait for their return because these ladies have an eye for thrifted fashion. It was a no brainer to create an outfit based on these selected pieces. So in honor of more or less vintage I created 4 looks to continue inspiring, creating in the hopes of one day wearing them once quarantine is over for good.

Quick Disclaimer: First and foremost excuse my pasty pale legs for they have not seen the sun in a while.

Look #1

Who doesn’t love a black floral slip dress? This dress has so much versatility it can be worn in any season. Since the warmer months are approaching I had summer in mind. Per usual I went with the casual route pairing this cute dress with my black and white vans and brim hat to cover me from the sun’s rays. This dress is also a good day to night piece with a switch of a shoe. Heels or flat sandals would look just as fly depending on your mood. Simple layered necklaces and chunky earrings will add a little modern flare to this vintage piece.

Look #2

The white blouse is such a staple piece that will never go out of style. I am thinking this blouse is from the 80s era since it came with thick built in shoulder pads, pleated shoulder detail, and baby balloon sleeves. I am in love with its vintage silhouette. Made so well, this lovely blouse has stood against the test of time.

Look #3

I wanted to take this skirt to another level which, honestly it didn’t need much leveling up. This baby is a statement piece and then some. I thought mixing this 90s print with gold accents would create a gaudy street style look that I love. My first reaction to this skirt was whoa. It is a little intimidating when you first see it. I wanted to tone it down just a smidge with a white racer back style tank top. A solid colored top can tame a heavy print. I knew my accessories would be just as loud so I wanted the look to stay wearable.

Look #4

This last look I decided to add contrasting prints to create a maximalist outfit. Instead of toning it down I went all out with the jewelry and paired leopard print biker shorts to my busy printed blazer. I kept my hair and shoes fairly simple to keep the focus on the outfit. I haven’t decided for sure where I would go in this, maybe date night or girls night? Only one way to tell once quarantine is over 😛

I wanted to thank more or less vintage for sending me these items it seriously came at the best time. Wishing you guys the best in health, safety, and peace. Love you all.

xoxo Mel

inkbox tattoos

For a while I’ve been wanting to get another tattoo, but I am so indecisive of what I want. I change my mind every other day and I get bored easily so committing to a real one would be a bad idea. I only have one tattoo and got it in my late 20s on a dare that my then sister’s boyfriend paid for. First free tattoo why not? Since then I never had the itch to get another until recently.

I thought I could find another way to display that I am a taken woman by getting a small ❤ on my ring finger. I have a bad habit of not wearing my wedding ring and it’s so pretty too :/ . I wear and take off gloves at work so wearing rings feels unsanitary and gross, especially in these times right now. I did what most people do when they do not know something…I googled it. I think I searched up adult faux tattoos or something and violá Inkbox came up on my search engine. I read the reviews, checked out the tattoos, and they looked pretty legit. They have from minimalist to really detailed art, large, small, they have an array of various tattoos. You can customize if there isn’t one from the four thousand plus choices to choose from. I bought three, ironically none of which were intended for my ring finger lol. I did find one similar, but it wasn’t a finger tattoo so I placed it on my wrist instead to get an idea. The tattoos last about one to two weeks and are super easy to apply.

My cross tattoo on my hand was the first to go. Since I have to wash and sanitize my hands so much it wore off within a week and a half. The heart on my left wrist is slightly fading but still looks cool and my GRL PWR tat is still hanging strong. I still want a heart finger tattoo to try which I did find on the website recently. The other tattoos were fun to stunt in as if they were real, but besides the cross on my hand I wouldn’t get the others permanently.

It’s great for someone who does not have any tattoos and wants to give it a try. I recommend it, plus I love that it comes off within the one to two weeks. You either can buy more (which I intend to do) or get a real tattoo. The choice is yours.

xoxo Mel

social distancing —–> working as an essential worker in health care

This is our current reality: social distancing; a way of life – the new trend. Who would have thought that “social distancing” would be thee phrase to use at the moment? The new way of life has become isolated. Our children homeschooled in the name of safety, away from family/friends. It has been increasingly difficult to fully transition into the new normal.

The Corona Virus, also known as COVID-19 has made its presence here in the states. From what we know, the Corona Virus is a droplet precaution; meaning it can be transmitted through the droplets of an infected person through sneezing, coughing, saliva or mucus discharge. Often, symptoms do not appear until days after someone is infected. Someone can be asymptomatic (not show signs) which can lead to further spreading if precautions are not taken properly. Public Health officials have recommended enforcement of strict boundaries of physical & social interaction. That is why wearing protective eye shields and face masks is absolutely necessary if you have to step out of your home.

Enough with the information that we already know….

I am a health care worker, a therapist working in a nursing home with COVID-19 patients. It has been a mentally and physically draining experience working in this field right now. What is normally a pleasant working environment has become what feels like a war zone. The constant fear of the unknown wears you down mentally. Bombarded with information overload – heightens our anxiety. So many thoughts running through your head at once: the thought of possibly contracting the virus, spreading it and not knowing or bringing it home to your family plays over and over in your head every time we wear our PPE. Unfortunately, you become very robotic and work on autopilot. We are frustrated, we are drained, and overwhelmed.

Recently, my husband and I had a conversation about how sharing our experience is important for our mental health. I have to remind myself being strong is not vocalizing “I’m ok or I’m fine” but our ability to keep doing our job and having compassion despite being emotionally drained. Actually, holding all these feelings inside is counter-productive to our progress mentally during such a challenging time. Being able to share how you feel is actually the best way you can improve your mental state. I try to hide it when I get home but I’m using this platform to let all those involved in this situation know it is ok to feel overwhelmed. You are not alone in this battle.

I recently watched a sad movie and balled my eyes out to release some stress. I even did the really ugly cry after the credits rolled. I cried for a while that day and just let it all out. It felt good. I am sure I can speak on everyone’s behalf who is working in healthcare right now that it is a challenge. It is a challenge for ALL essential workers and nonessential. Despite the chaos, I am thankful for my rehab team for whooping ass and getting shit done. I am especially thankful for the nurses and CNAs who are going into these COVID rooms. I am thankful for everyone who goes into work and is doing their job to keep our facility running. God Bless us all for all the work we are doing to help others.

xoxo Mel

A week in outfits

Since many are stuck home right now due to the corona pandemic I wanted to create a week in outfits. Maybe it’s not the best timing since no one can technically go out, still you can pull some outfit ideas or inspo from it. I love watching these on youtube because it gives me a glimpse of how others may style their day to day clothing. Plus I love clothes so why not.

Let’s begin with








Hope you guys enjoyed my week in outfits. Stay safe and healthy. Love you all ❤

xoxo Mel

Don’t be a copy cat



1. the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

“Helen had one of her flashes of inspiration”

 2. a sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea.

“then I had an inspiration”


Who doesn’t love to feel inspired and led to creative greatness. Instant joy is felt when you are visually stimulated by a photo, an object, or scenic view. Hello dopamine receptors. To be inspired is to enhance your ideas, thoughts, and flow within the creative process. So create, be inspired by the world around you. But be mindful. There is a difference between using inspiration to get your creative juices flowing and taking it by copying another like if it was yours to begin with.

The same rules apply for creatives. Can you be removed from social media platforms? Jailed for taking an artistic idea as owner? No, but your reputation will follow you as being a copy cat and nobody likes that.

Grabbing an idea from another is not a scandal. Grabbing an idea from another and not giving credit when it is due is not cool. Take bits and pieces, but build from those areas to make it your own. That way you will leave something behind to inspire the next individual.

This lovely pic from thrifty blogger @affectionatelyaudrey is a prime example of taking inspiration and making it your own. I immediately fell in love with this picture. Besides the tones and textures of the various belts I was obsessed with the idea of wearing multiple belts at once. It was genius. She may have created this on her own or was inspired by another, who was inspired by another. I was inspired and wanted to create my own version of this look.

I took the main focal point of the picture which were the belts and created my own inspiration. Someone else may draw inspiration from the fans on her black dress. Another person may be inspired by the organgy-red belt and create a monochromatic look based on that color. The idea of layering and using black as a contrast to make the belts pop is similar. My decision in styling is different by going with a blazer and pair of jeans. Keep in mind inspiration is subjective and the possibilities are endless.

xoxo Mel

The beginning of many firsts

The month of February has been the month of firsts for me. I walked in a fashion show for the first time for a homie of mine who is a local designer/seamstress. Every year my town celebrates art week. For one week everyday something artsy fartsy goes on in our down town area. The last day of art week the Hygienic Art Gallery hosts a fashion show. Guess who walked in it? Never in a million years could I imagine walking in one. It was a local event, nothing crazy, but I was so nervous I felt like I was about to walk for fashion week lol. I’m huge on supporting women and their businesses. As much as I would have liked to say, “no” I had to do it for her. I literally wanted to crap my pants. I demonstrated my interpretation of a cat walk, sucked my gut in, and prayed I would not fall off the stage. I got 3 out of 3 so it wasn’t too bad after all. It was refreshing to see a group of women from all various sizes and age groups getting along and working together to make this happen for the talented Damaris.

Besides walking in a fashion show, I built up enough courage to shoot by myself in public. Eeekk!!! A series of events caused me to finally just do it. I was having the worst luck trying to get the hubs to “shoot me.” Dude had a week of just not feeling it and when I get the itch my impulsive ass needs to scratch it. After my hissy fit I thought, “screw it, (rated G version) Imma just do it myself. “ With my tripod and cell phone in hand I found a location and the rest is history.

Side note: I need to come up with a better word besides shoot. It sounds pretty awful. Saying such phrases like I am going to shoot and I was shot by my husband does not sit well with many people. I am just a fashion blogger who needs her picture taken that’s all.

Did I mention how adventurous I am? Cue the dramatic music….I ate alone at a restaurant.

Ohhh girl, someone lock me in a cage. I am too wild for these streets. The fam did not want to hang to be honest and that’s okay! Why? Because it has led me to put my scary butt out there and stop being so chicken. As you can probably tell I am not a risk taker. I am all about comfort literally and figuratively speaking.

By accident February became the month of trying new things. I found myself growing more as an individual and gaining more confidence. It sounds silly, but before I could not stand the sight of someone eating alone at a restaurant. I became so dependent on others to shoot that when it did not work out in my favor I felt as if I was being held back. In reality I was the one holding myself back. The fashion show was an epic event. I set my fears aside and went for it.

I am a risk taker. Watch out world. Speaking of going out on a limb here are some quotes by risk takers in history to give you that extra push you may need.

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far it is possible to go.” — T.S. Eliot

“I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.” — Pablo Picasso

“Do one thing every day that scares you.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

“I can accept failure. Everybody fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying. Fear is an illusion.” — Michael Jordan

“Progress always involves risks. You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.” — Frederick Wilcox

xoxo Meli

Be simply irresistible in black tights

Step aside sweater weather. There’s a new forecast coming this season: Black Tights. You can still bare it all; your legs of course with a sleek pair. This single layer will keep you looking stylish and comfortable. Nothing beats a black pair of sheer tights in my opinion. There is something about the peek-a-boo action that curiously draws all the attention to your legs. Feeling a little daring and risqué? I have two words for you, “Simply Irresistible” – Robert Palmer

If black sheer tights is not your cup of tea, have no fear; there are various types to choose from. The opaque black is great to wear if you have a dress or skirt with patterns of any kind. Why? It allows for an eye-catching contrast and pop to your outfit. Plus, this shade will attract the sun’s heat to your legs keeping you warm while making a fashun statement at the same time.

If staying warm is a priority, go for a pair of black fleece lined tights. Think of these as an upgraded version of black leggings with the obvious toe coverage. You will stay toasty in these. You want a little more flavor? Add a little intrigue by wearing patterned tights instead. Spruce up your outfit and put your legs on display with a pair that is subtle or really funky and wild. It really depends on your mood.

If you had to choose one pair, what type of black tights would you go for?

xoxo Mel

Five thoughtful Valentine’s Day ideas

Valentine’s Day….eh whatever. It is one my least favorite days to celebrate and make a fuss about. Why jack up the prices on flowers or treats? Especially, chocolate covered strawberries-the thievery. If you’re not anti Valentine’s Day like me but agree on not spending ridiculous amounts of money then, listen closely. You still can make the 14th a lovely & memorable or romantic night; wink..wink. Create thoughtful gift ideas without wasting the caching-ching….ya heard. Okay. Let’s get to it.

Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner

Don’t let $200 worth of groceries go to waste by taking your loved one out to eat. Instead, save your coins and chef it up for your boo in the kitchen. Do I sound really cheap right now? Maybe, but think about it. Restaurants will be super packed that day anyways and who doesn’t love a home-cooked meal made with love? Remember its about doing something out of the ordinary for the one you love.

Write a letter

In my opinion, there is nothing more romantic than someone expressing their love for you through their penmanship. I am a sucker for a well written love letter (heavy sigh). The Notebook. Take notes please…DO NOT write one paragraph; put some thought into your letter. Get as mushy, expressive, and explicit as you want. That is one thing missing in this technical age we live in. People barely write letters to each other. There is something so special about writing a well thought-out-letter. What a beautiful keep sake! You will be able to go back and read the letter at any moment and be reminded of how loved you are.

List reasons why

If your not as expressive as Shakespeare have no fear. You can get creative by placing sticky notes all over the house in unexpected places and list reasons why you love your partner. Keep it short and simple. Just think about the smile you will put on their face when they find a loving reminder.

Create a playlist of love songs

Music is also another loving way to get your emotions across to your love. Create a playlist of love songs that remind you of your special someone. Be wise with your music selection. Make sure to choose songs that bring up memories of special moments. Please avoid heartbreak songs..its no bueno. A nice playlist will help set the mood and you can use it for other special occasions.

Have a picnic

This would be better for those who live in warmer climates or during the warmer months. A picnic is good old fashion way to get romantic and won’t cost you a lot to create something nice. The good thing is it doesn’t have to be in a park either. For those who live in colder climates, you can put it together in your living room. You can create a nice setting with plush pillows, soft blankets, snacks, or you can go fancy with your food choices. Its the perfect setting to get cozy and a little frisky. For those in warmer climates, find a nice scenic location with beautiful views and bring a light fare. Beaches are great for picnics; try not to get sand in your food. Remember, its not about stuffing your face. You’re there to enjoy the moment with that special someone.

Your Valentines Day should never be about how much you spend but how much thought you put into it. It truly is the thought that counts.

xoxo Mel

Attending my first blogger event and what I wore

I had the privilege of attending my first blogger event a few months ago. The story begins when I noticed a DM sent to me with a link to sign up from CT Bloggers Collective who high light all types of bloggers from CT. I’ve followed them for a while now and couldn’t believe I was asked to come. I instantly became nervous not only because it was an invite form them, but the event was themed “Holiday Glam” which I knew meant dress to impress. I knew I did not want to wear any ‘ole thing in my closet. Instead, I ordered the perfect outfit online. But, the odds were against me…I clicked on standard shipping by mistake. NoOoOoO!

The theme was making my head spin *over thinker alert*. All I thought about was sparkles and shimmer. YUCK. I am not a fan but I wanted to be appropriate for the theme. I had to come up with a plan “B”- quick. I had no choice; to the closet I went. After many saved inspo Pinterest looks, I decided to go with a thrifty option.

*(cue the dramatic music)*… I went with…. an oversized black blazer, a pair of men’s black dress pants, my small black velvet bag, and black sock booties. All black thrifted errthang except, the sock booties. To incorporate the theme into my outfit, I kept it light with a gray sparkly bustier bodysuit and sparkly earrings. It was just enough sparkle for me. I was missing one thing though. A trusty friend to bring. I hit up my girl who is a photographer and does some modeling on the side to come with me. Thank God she was agreeable because I knew if she couldn’t go I would not have attended.

December 13th was the big day and it came quick. As I was getting ready, I made sure my phone was charged. I wanted to do the blogger thing; flood my stories of obnoxious footage of the event. Hair did – check. Outfit on – check. I’m ready to go. Once we we got there I realized I never charged my phone correctly and it was only on 15%. What an amateur. At this point, all I could do was laugh at myself…hahaha (my nerves took over). I went full speed into the bathroom to pee while fixing the girls a couple of times to make sure Sherina and Katrina stayed in place.

We entered; I did not know what to expect. The venue was cute and bright. There were all different types of bloggers and creators. I was super awkward and shy. I did what I knew best which was to cling to my friend for dear life. The food was calling my name when we got interrupted and were asked if we wanted some kind of deliciousness from dunkin’ donuts. It was free, so why not? We were led to a table where they were handing out free Korean skin care beauty products. I was all in…say word. We got a goodie bag and everything girl (ooooo sookie sookie naw). The venue was filled with clothing, candles, and paintings. It was a new world and I felt lost in it. We both did. But, the food was free.

I was too nervous to go to anyone and chat. I did make a connection with a lovely Puerto Rican artist who makes fashion style cards, wedding invitations, and drawings. She is a beast and was so lovely to talk to. She had such a great personality. Her IG handle is @yari.d_illustrations. I made several laps around, stuffed my face a few times, and wondered who did what because I was too nervous to talk to anyone else. First impressions; everyone was chillin’ and having a good time. It was an opportunity to get my feet wet in this whole blogger thang.

I’m so awkwardly shy that I often close off in settings like this. I’m working on getting better though. However, I enjoyed the whole event and the moments were a great experience to put myself out there in the blogger community. I’m hoping to come out of my shell more and continue to attend more blogger events like this. It was a great way to start.

xoxo Mel